Collecting Delinquent Funds Due the University


This policy applies to all George Mason University Departments that bill and collect funds due the University.


Money owed to the University by students, former students, applicants for admission, faculty, staff, and the general public who participate in University programs or use its services and facilities constitutes a legal obligation to the University and the Commonwealth of Virginia and therefore may not be forgiven. Thus, every reasonable effort shall be made to collect overdue accounts.


A. Responsible Departments

  1. Admissions and Graduate Schools: Collects application and other fees due the University.
  2. Student Accounts:Bills and collects for tuition, fees, meal plans, housing, damages, and international health insurance.
  3. Sponsored Programs:Bills and collects funds awarded to the University by agencies, grantors, contracting companies and other sponsors.
  4. Continuing Professional Education:Bills and collects funds due the University for educational services rendered, such as certificate programs, special classes and seminars.
  5. Athletics:Collects funds due the University in connection with sporting activities, such as advertising revenue, ticket sales and aquatics memberships.
  6. Parking Services: Bills and collects funds due the University for parking services and fines.
  7. All Other Departments that Bill or Accept Checks: Bills for services and makes collection efforts. Departments that accept checks which are returned shall impose fees for returned check processing and make collection efforts.
  8. Account and Loan Management: Works with revenue departments to guide collection efforts and assist as necessary; receives referrals for collection and handles the collection efforts.

B. Duties of Responsible Departments: Responsible departments will mail a letter for past due accounts when the account is between 1and 30 days late, including notification of Code §2.2-4805 and §2.2-4806 actions:

“Failure to meet financial obligations to the university will result in other collection procedures, which include account referral to credit reporting bureaus, private collection agencies, the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Taxation, and the Office of the Attorney General. Past due accounts are subject to garnishments, liens, and judgment and the withholding of money from tax refunds. In addition to late fees and interest, delinquent accounts will be assessed additional collection costs equal to thirty percent of the past due balance, reasonable attorney fees, and other administrative costs.”

Responsible departments will refer accounts that remain unpaid for greater than 59 days to the Account and Loan Management Office for additional processing.


The policies herein are effective February 10, 2010. All amendments and additions to Administrative Policy Number 2107 are to be reviewed and approved by the Senior Vice President. This policy shall be reviewed and revised, if necessary, annually to become effective at the beginning of the University’s fiscal year, unless otherwise noted.

Carol D. Kissal
Senior Vice President, Administration and Finance

Mark R. Ginsberg
Provost and Executive Vice President

Approved: June 1, 2005
Revision of February 10, 2010 was approved on March 17, 2010
Revised: April 30, 2012
Revised: May 18, 2021