University Policy

Health Insurance Requirement for International F-1 and J-1 Visa Students

I. Scope

Student health insurance policies and procedures herein are applicable to all George Mason University international students on either an F-1 or J-1 visa.


II. Policy Statement

George Mason University requires all F-1 and J-1 visa students to have health insurance. George Mason University automatically enrolls all international F-1 and J-1 visa students in the University selected health insurance plan. International students have the option of waiving out of the University selected health insurance plan if they meet all the criteria specified below.


Application for Waiver:

The University offers international F-1 and J-1 visa students the option of waiving enrollment in the University selected student health insurance plan only if a student has a health insurance plan that meets the following minimum criteria:

1. A waiver is available for plans from the following sources:

A. A scholarship or government sponsored program that provides an U.S. health insurance plan for the student and is Affordable Care Act (ACA) compliant (National health coverage and/or travel insurance do not meet these criteria); OR

B. A United States employer of the student, student’s spouse or parent who provides health insurance for the student and is Affordable Care Act (ACA) compliant;

 2. The plan (under A or B above) must meet the following criteria:

A. An annual deductible not exceeding $500;

B. The cost of medical evacuation ($50,000) and repatriation ($25,000) back to the student’s home country.

 3. The plan must cover the following dates:

 A. Fall Only: If the student is at Mason for the fall semester only, their coverage must be valid until (the later of) the end of the exam period or last day of stay at Mason.

B. Full Academic Year: If the student is at Mason for the full Academic Year, their coverage must be valid until August 15th of the relevant academic year.

C. Spring or summer: If the student arrives at Mason in the spring or summer semester, their coverage must be valid until August 15th.


Waiver Process:

Student Health Services reviews waiver requests and reserves the right to make a final waiver decision.

INTO students transferring to a Degree Program during the Academic Year must reapply for a waiver.

 The waiver is only valid for the academic year in which it is granted. Students must reapply for a waiver each academic year. Students are responsible for timely submission of their waiver application.

The Student Health Insurance Office reserves the right to make policy changes any time necessary.


III. Compliance

1. Student Health Insurance Office

The Office annually reviews and selects a health insurance plan that meets all federal and state rules and regulations and the needs of all Mason students, international, domestic, and INTO.

The Office assists all students seeking advice about health insurance. The Office helps to explain benefits offered by the Mason selected student health insurance plan.

The Office modifies the Waiver process as needed based on current best practices in the field of student health insurance.

2. Student Insurance Provider

Currently, Mason offers insurance from Aetna Student Health to all eligible students. Details about the plan are available on the Student Health Insurance website and the Aetna Student Health website Aetna Student Health is responsible for:

A. Managing the student health insurance plan.

B. Managing claims submitted by healthcare providers or the insured.

Mason reserves the right to select a different insurance carrier at any time.

3. F-1 and J-1 Visa Students

F-1 and J-1 visa students must comply with George Mason University and the Federal Government policies to maintain health insurance while in the United States.

It is the student’s responsibility to read and understand this policy.

It is the student’s responsibility to read and understand the coverage offered by the selected student health insurance plan.

If a student does not understand the coverage offered or the waiver criteria, the student may request assistance from the Student Health Insurance Office.

If a student has concerns with their visa, they should contact the Office of International Programs and Services (OIPS).

If a student has concerns with late fees or payment plans, they should contact the Office of Student Accounts.


IV. Forms



V. Dates:

A. Effective Date:

This policy will become effective upon the date of approval by the Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance and Provost.

B. Date of Most Recent Review:

December 15, 2020


VI. Timetable for Review

This policy, and any related procedures, shall be reviewed every three years or more frequently as needed.


VII. Signatures


Maurice W. Scherrens
Senior Vice President

Peter N. Stearns


Revised: March 10, 2021

Revised: September 23, 2015

Revised: August 3, 2015

Revised: January 13, 2015

Revision Approved: May 20, 2014

Revision Approved: May 15, 2012

Revision Approved: December 20, 2010

Originial Policy Approved: May 12, 2009