This policy describes in-state tuition eligibility for nonresident graduate students employed by George Mason University.
The University allows eligible nonresident Doctoral and MFA students to be charged at the in-state rate for tuition and fees. Students found to have been erroneously identified by an academic unit as eligible will have their tuition rates revert to out-of-state rates immediately. The student’s academic unit will be responsible for the additional tuition charges.
A. Eligibility
Nonresident graduate students who meet all of the following conditions are eligible:
1. Full-time students in Doctoral or M.F.A. (Master of Fine Arts) programs as defined by the University Catalog;
2. Supported by a tuition waiver or grant that EITHER covers enough credits to support the students’ full time course load OR is approved as a Qualifying Award; and
3. Appointed to EITHER full-time (20 hours/week total) graduate assistantship(s) with a stipend that meets or exceeds the current 9-month minimum pay rate for graduate assistantships as set by the Office of the Provost OR, in the case of students who have received Qualifying Awards, quarter-time (5 hours/week total) graduate assistantship(s) with a stipend that meets or exceeds the current 9-month minimum pay rate for that category of assistantships. The assistantship(s) must cover both the fall and spring semesters.
If students meet eligibility requirements for both the fall and spring semesters, they are eligible to receive in-state tuition rates for classes taken during the subsequent summer term.
Students who intend to graduate in the fall semester are eligible to be charged at the in-state rate for only that semester. Such graduating students must have a stipend of at least the minimum fall semester compensation rate as well as full-time (or quarter-time for those receiving approved Qualifying Awards) assistantship(s) for that semester, and must submit their application to graduate to the Office of the University Registrar by the relevant deadline.
Students who are newly admitted into their program during the spring semester, and have a stipend that meets or exceeds the minimum spring semester compensation rate as well as full time (or quarter-time for those receiving approved Qualifying Awards) assistantship(s) for that semester, are eligible to be charged at the in-state rate for only the spring semester.
Students whose full-time assistantships end during or at the completion of the fall semester will have their tuition revert to out-of-state rates for the spring semester.
B. Additional Credits
Additional credits taken above those supported by a graduate assistantship will be charged at the appropriate academic unit’s in-state tuition rate. Charges for additional credits taken will be the financial responsibility of the student and applied to their student account.
Doctoral Program – means the following degree programs: Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy), D.M.A. (Doctor of Musical Arts), D.N.P. (Doctor of Nursing Practice), D.A. (Doctor of Arts).
Qualifying Award – means a prestigious award that has been approved by the Office of the Provost according to the Qualifying Award Procedures.
The Office of the Provost will publish procedures and schedules for units to follow in order to implement the provision of health insurance for its eligible students. The Office of the Provost will monitor student eligibility and will notify units when students have been found to be erroneously identified as eligible. Exceptions to this policy may be made with the approval of the Associate Provost for Graduate Education.
Each school, college and institute is responsible for submitting a list of eligible students in accordance with the published procedures and communicating with the Office of the Provost concerning the completion of their graduate assistantship processes and any changes in eligibility of students.
All sponsored awards that include tuition support for eligible graduate students as defined above on and after July 1, 2011, will charge tuition at resident rates proportionately with the assistantship stipend.
A. Effective Date:
This policy will become effective upon the date of approval by the Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance and the Provost and Executive Vice President.
B. Date of Most Recent Review:
This policy, and any related procedures, shall be reviewed every three years or more frequently as needed.
Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance
Provost and Executive Vice President
Date Approved: June 30, 2011
Revision Approved: August 30, 2018
Revised: December 20, 2019