I. Scope
This policy applies to all George Mason University (Mason) employees, students, and programs financially supported by gifts, grants, contracts, or cooperative agreements from private sector entities (for-profit or non-profit) administered by the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) and/or the George Mason University Foundation, Inc. (GMUF).
II. Policy Statement
Employees seeking private sector funding must engage with the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP), college/unit Director of Development, or the Corporate and Foundation Relations (CFR) team within the Office of Advancement and Alumni Relations before a proposal, application, or funding request to any outside entity is submitted. OSP and CFR (in consultation as needed with GMUF) will determine the nature of the proposed funding and the appropriate office charged with management of the funds. Faculty and staff shall coordinate with OSP, the college/unit Director of Development or CFR in order to receive additional assistance for pursuing the opportunity and to ensure the appropriate procedures are followed. Individuals in units without a Director of Development should contact CFR for assistance. Proposals and applications to sponsors or donors are official only if signed by the duly authorized officials as appropriate. Mason may choose not to accept funding for projects not in compliance with this policy.
III. Definitions
Sponsor: An individual or entity that provides funding for a specific project with specific terms and conditions associated with the funding.
Donor: An individual or entity who gives a gift or donation to George Mason University Foundation, Inc. (GMUF).
Private sector entity: A private entity, such as a professional association, private foundation, corporate foundation, charitable organization, corporation, or other business entity.
Public sector entity: A federal, state or local government agency or municipality.
Gift or donation: A voluntary and irrevocable transfer of money or property (e.g. stock, real estate, equipment, or materials) made by a donor without any expectation or receipt of direct economic benefit or provision of goods or services from the recipient. Gifts or donations from corporations and foundations are sometimes referred to as philanthropic grants.
Grant, Cooperative Agreement, Contract: Grants, cooperative agreements, and contracts are agreements representing the transfer of money, property, or services by a sponsor in exchange for specified services or activities (e.g. research and development). Grants, cooperative agreements, and contracts are enforceable by law, and performance is typically accomplished with set time parameters with payment subject to being revoked for cause.
Note: For guidance in determining whether funding will be a gift, grant, or contract, please see Attachment A of the accompanying procedures. If there are additional questions please contact CFR, OSP or your college/unit Director of Development.
IV. Responsibilities
Faculty, administrators, and staff seeking private sector funding must engage with the college/unit Director of Development, Office of Sponsored Programs or the Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations before a proposal, application or funding request to any outside entity is submitted. Mason faculty and staff involved in grant seeking activities are responsible for communicating with OSP and/or CFR to ensure the appropriate procedures are followed.
The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) is responsible for administering sponsored project support of Mason from all entities, including public sector entities, as well as non-profit and for-profit private sector sponsors. Mason OSP is the office authorized to seek, accept, and administer grants, cooperative agreements and contracts in support of research, education, training, and other university activities from both public and private sector entities.
The Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations (CFR) within the division of University Advancement and Alumni Relations is responsible for coordinating philanthropic gifts and donations from corporations, foundations, and other business entities, working directly with Mason’s academic colleges, centers, and non-academic units. CFR does not coordinate or oversee sponsored research or programs, and does not work with gifts or donations from individuals. CFR supports and collaborates with unit advancement staff, faculty seeking gifts or donations from private sources, and the broader office of Advancement and Alumni Relations to secure new philanthropic funding and establish lasting and productive relationships with corporations and foundations. The CFR team assists corporations and foundations wishing to develop long-term, unique and mutually beneficial relationships at Mason, and whose interests impact multiple units at Mason and are in direct support of university priorities. The division of University Advancement and Alumni Relations in coordination with unit development staff is a starting point for corporations and foundations that seek to contribute philanthropically to Mason.
The George Mason University Foundation, Inc. (GMUF) is an independent not-for-profit charitable entity that accepts, manages, invests, and administers private gifts, including endowment and real property, for the benefit of the University.
V. Implementation
The Associate Vice President of Research Operations, the Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations, and the Chief Financial Officer of GMUF will develop, disseminate, and apply procedures to support this policy.
VI. Compliance
All Mason employees and students, as well as entities that use the Mason name or logo in seeking outside funding, must comply with this policy.
VII. Forms
VIII. Dates:
A. Effective Date:
This policy will become effective upon the date of approval by the Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance and the Provost and Executive Vice President.
B. Date of Most Recent Review:
IX. Timetable for Review
This policy, and any related procedures, shall be reviewed every three years or more frequently as needed.
X. Signatures
Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance
Provost and Executive Vice President
Date Approved: