University Policy

Reporting of Crimes, Accidents, Fires and Other Emergencies


This policy applies to all George Mason University faculty, staff, students, visitors, and contracted service providers.


The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for reporting incidents that occur on any property owned or operated by the University. Security, safety, and insurance considerations require that the reporting of crimes, accidents, injuries, and property losses be consistent as to form, timing, and responsibility.


A. General Reporting

1. Initial reports of emergencies, including fires, explosions, chemical spills, bomb threats, injuries, automobile accidents, death or hospitalization of an employee and the like, must be made to University Police (911) at the time they occur, or as soon as possible thereafter. Crimes should be initially reported when they are observed or discovered. Investigation of incidents shall be completed as soon as practicable. The principle to be observed in these matters is to take immediate action to determine the facts and to complete all reports, claims, and cases, including those regarding insurance issues, as soon as the facts can be determined.

2. Incidents must be reported as follows:

a. Crimes or suspected crimes: University Police 703-993-2810

b. Emergencies and incidents involving injury, illness or death of an employee:

i. University Police – 911
ii. Supervisor
iii. Occupational Health Officer (Human Resources and Payroll) 703-993-2595

c. Risk Management – 703-993-2599

All employees claiming a work-related injury and/or illness must complete and submit the Employers’ First Report of Injury to the Occupational Health Officer, as soon as possible, following the incident. Form is available at:

d. Emergencies and incidents involving injury, illness, or death of a student or visitor:
e. 1) University Police – 911
2) Risk Management – 703-993-2599
3) Medical Director of Student Health Services (when the incident involves a student) 703-993-2826

All students and visitors injured while at Mason are requested to complete and submit an Incident Report. The form is available at:

f. Fire, fire alarms, explosions and bomb threats: University Police – 911
g. Automobile accidents (off campus) involving State or University vehicles:
1) State Police 703-323-4500
2) University Police (non-emergency) – 703-993-2810
3) Supervisor
4) Risk Management – 703-993-2599

All employees involved in an automobile accident must complete and submit an Auto Loss Notice Form to the Risk Management Office, as soon as possible, following the incident. Form is available at:

Also, employees claiming a work-related injury and/or illness must complete and submit the Employers’ First Report of Injury Accident form to the Occupational Health Officer, as soon as possible, following the incident. Form is available at:

h. Automobile accidents (on campus) involving State or University vehicles:
1) University Police (non-emergency) – 703-993-2810
2) Supervisor
3) Risk Management – 703-993-2599

All employees involved in an automobile accident must complete and submit an Auto Loss Notice Form to the Risk Management Office, as soon as possible, following the incident. Form is available at:

Also, employees claiming a work-related injury and/or illness must complete and submit the Employers’ First Report of Injury Accident form to the Occupational Health Office, as soon as possible, following the incident. Form is available at:

i. Damage, theft, or loss of university property:
1) University Police (non-emergency) – 703-993-2810
2) Risk Management – 703-993-2599
3) Fixed Assets 703-993-4456

All departments claiming damage, theft or loss of University property need to submit an Incident Report. The form is available at:

j. Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Incident or Spill:
1) Supervisor
2) Occupational Health Officer (Human Resources and Payroll) 703-993-2595
3) Biological Safety Officer (Office of Laboratory Safety) 703-993-9460

All employees claiming a work-related injury and/or illness must complete and submit the Employers’ First Report of Injury Accident form to the Occupational Health Office, as soon as possible, following the incident. Form available at:

k. Chemical Spill Exposure (including fuel, oil laboratory materials, and other hazardous materials):
1) University Police – 911
2) Supervisor
3) Chemical Hygiene Officer (Office of Laboratory Safety) 703-993-2507
4) Occupational Health Officer, Human Resources and Payroll, 703-993-2595

All employees claiming a work-related injury and/or illness must complete and submit the Employers’ First Report of Injury Accident form to the Occupational Health Office, as soon as possible, following the incident. Form available at:

l. Radioactive Material Spill Exposure:
1) University Police – 911
2) Supervisor
3) Radiation Safety Officer (Office of Laboratory Safety) 703-993-4820
4) Occupational Health Officer (Human Resources and Payroll) 703-993-2595

All employees claiming a work-related injury and/or illness must complete and submit the Employers’ First Report of Injury to the Occupational Health Officer, as soon as possible, following the incident. Form available at:

Appendix 1 provides a matrix that identifies which departments should be notified based on type of accident or incident.

B. Emergency Illness and Bodily Injury

The first responsibility of the University in the event of an emergency illness or bodily injury is to ensure that proper medical assistance is rendered.  University Police (911) must be contacted. The responding police officer will request the dispatch of appropriate emergency medical units based on the situation. If necessary, the ill or injured will be evacuated to the nearest appropriate emergency medical facility by the responding Emergency Medical Services unit. Transporting ill or injured individuals in state owned vehicles is not authorized and those individuals who do so may be subject to disciplinary action. Transporting ill or injured individuals in a personal vehicle is not recommended.

C. University Police

As the first trained responders to an incident, University Police Officers must follow specific procedures. Briefly, these include:

  1. Calling the fire department when appropriate and subsequently coordinating the response.
  2. Rendering assistance as required.
  3. Directing the investigation of reported incidents and maintaining appropriate records of such investigations.
  4. Making proper notification to:

a. State Police (auto accidents involving state vehicles) 703-323-4500
b. Risk Management (all incidents involving University liability, property, auto accidents, and unsafe
conditions) 703-993-2599
c. Director of Facilities Management (damage to University property and auto accidents involving pool
vehicles) 703-993-2525
d. Occupational Health Officer (any employee death, work-related injury and/or illness involving employees,
including the hospitalization of three or more employees) 703-993-2595
e. Laboratory Safety (all incidents involving hazardous materials, University Laboratories, and Art Studios)
f. Medical Director of Student Health Services (when the incident involves a student) 703-993-2826

D. Director, Student Health Services shall provide medical assistance as appropriate and/or request University Police call for outside assistance.

E. Vice President for Human Resources shall process Workers Compensation Claims and forward copies of “Employer’s First Report of Injury” to the Director of Risk Management.

F. Director of Risk Management shall process all claims involving the Commonwealth of Virginia Self-Insured Insurance Plan and assist in emergency and disaster response as necessary.

G. Director of Facilities Management shall arrange for needed repairs to University fixed property.


Insurance Coverage

  1. The University is covered for most insurance-related incidents through the Commonwealth of Virginia Self-Insured Insurance Plan for property, liability, auto, and medical malpractice, as well as the Workers Compensation Plan for State Employees.

a. Incidents involving GMU property (loss, theft, damage) must be reported (as per Section III) and a claim
filed in order to receive reimbursement.

b. Incidents involving possible liability on the part of GMU or its employees must be reported to Risk

d. Accidents involving state vehicles must be reported (as per Section III) and a claim filed through Risk
Management (Mason owned vehicles) or Facilities Management (pool vehicles).

2. The cost of medical care for students, visitors, and employees who suffer emergency illnesses while on campus
or attending a university function, regardless of location, is the responsibility of the persons who are ill or                       injured except for:

a. Minor medical assistance rendered by the University staff.
b. Employees claiming a work-related injury or illness may be covered under the Commonwealth’s Workers’
Compensation Plan. All such claims must be reported to the Occupational Health Officer, Human Resources
and Payroll.


The heads of departments and activities shall ensure the proper and expeditious reporting of all incidents.  Further, all employees of the University are required to report incidents to which they are witness.  Failure to do so could place the University, or even specific individuals, at risk in regards to liability and coverage under the Commonwealth’s insurance plans.


The policies herein are effective August 31, 2005 and were revised May 7, 2007.  This policy shall be reviewed annually and, if necessary, revised effective at the beginning of the University’s fiscal year, unless otherwise noted.


Carol D. Kissal
Senior Vice President, Administration and Finance

Mark R. Ginsberg
Provost and Executive Vice President

Date approved: August 31, 2005
Revised Approval: June 8, 2007
Revised Approval: January 31, 2021