Specialized Accreditation

I. Scope

This policy governs the reporting of specialized accreditation at George Mason University by deans of academic colleges and other academic leaders responsible for the supervision of specialized accreditation.

II. Policy Statement

A. Reporting of Specialized Accreditation

  1. Reporters shall notify the Director of Accreditation annually of any specialized accreditation that local academic units or programs under their supervision currently hold, intend to seek, or intend to cease.
  2. Reporters shall provide the Director of Accreditation with access to materials submitted for accreditation and responses from the accreditor.
  3. Reporters shall notify the Director of Accreditation immediately of any decision by an accrediting agency to deny, suspend, revoke, terminate or withdraw accreditation, or any decision that places the program, department or institution on probation or equivalent status.
  4. The Director of Accreditation shall maintain a listing of US Department of Education (USDOE)-recognized specialized accrediting agencies on the website of the Office of the Provost. This listing shall be updated annually or more frequently in order to ensure its accuracy.

B. Representation of the University in Specialized Accreditation

  1. As part of the university’s responsibilities associated with its regional accreditation through the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools’ Commission on Colleges’ (SACSCOC) policy on Accrediting Decisions of Other Agencies and under Title IV, the university must “describe itself in identical terms to each agency with regard to purpose, governance, programs, degrees, diplomas, certificates, personnel, finances and constituents, and must keep each USDOE-recognized accrediting body, including SACSCOC, apprised of any change in its status with one or another accrediting agency.” To ensure the university’s obligations are met, faculty and staff preparing materials for specialized accreditation must follow the attached Guidance for the Preparation of Specialized Accreditation Materials.

III. Definitions

  1. Specialized Accreditation: Accreditation for a specific degree program, sub-discipline, or department. Examples include, but are not limited to, accreditation by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP), or the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE).
  2. Reporters: deans of academic colleges and other academic leaders responsible for the supervision of specialized accreditation.

IV. Compliance

A. Deans of college-level units are expected to ensure that their units remain in compliance with this policy.  If necessary, the Provost and Executive Vice President may address non-compliance through performance reviews or other measures as appropriate.

V. Dates:

A. Effective Date:

This policy will become effective upon the date of approval by the Provost and Executive Vice President.

B. Date of Most Recent Review:


VI. Timetable for Review

This policy, and any related procedures, shall be reviewed every three years or more frequently as needed.

VII. Signatures



_______/S______                                                                 __9/29/2017__

Provost and Executive Vice President                                         Date


Revised: 9/30/2020

Revised: 10/27/2020