University Policy

University Maps


This policy applies to all George Mason University academic and administrative offices, all faculty and staff, and anyone representing the university who produces or distributes campus or university maps.


Any individual, office, department, academic unit and any associated affiliations that use a campus or university map (including those used on web sites) must obtain their map from a project manager in the Office of Communications and Marketing.


The Office of Communications and Marketing is responsible for annually updating and distributing the university maps by working in conjunction with the appropriate personnel to ensure the updates are accurate and timely.  Maps are usually updated in June and July.

Fairfax Campus Map

The Fairfax Campus map produced by the Office of Communications and Marketing for University Information to distribute is the foundation for other maps such as the parking map and the accessibility map.  University Information is responsible for compiling the changes.  The Vice President of Communications and Marketing or his/her designee is responsible for approving the map.

Science and Technology Map
The Science and Technology Campus map is produced by the Office of Communications and Marketing for University Information and Science and Technology Administration.  University Information is responsible for compiling the changes.  The Chief Executive Officer for the Science and Technology Campus is responsible for approving the map.

Arlington Campus Map

The Arlington Campus map is produced by the Office of Communications and Marketing for University Information and Arlington Administration.  University Information is responsible for compiling the changes.  The Chief Executive Officer for the Arlington Campus is responsible for approving the map.

Loudoun Site Map

The Loudoun Site map is produced by the Office of Communications and Marketing for University Information and Loudoun Administration.  University Information is responsible for compiling the changes.  The Chief Executive Officer for the Loudoun site is responsible for approving the map.

Online Maps
Maps of George Mason University developed for use online should be reviewed by University Information and approved by The Vice President of Communications and Marketing.


The following offices will be notified by University Information prior to updating the Fairfax, Arlington, and Science and Technology Campus map and Loudon site map: Compliance, Diversity, and Ethics;  Events Management; University Life; Facilities; University Services; Safety Office; University Police; Center for the Arts; Admissions; EagleBank Arena; and Intercollegiate Athletics.

Final review and coordination of modifications to the Fairfax, Arlington, and Science and Technology Campus map and Loudoun site map will be the responsibility of the director of University Information and the Office of Communications and Marketing project manager producing the updates.

After the maps for all campuses and sites have been updated, University Information will make them available to the campus community.  The map will be available for download as a pdf, jpeg, and eps file on a university web site.  University Information will also give the map to Print Services for print-on-demand uses.

When the updated maps are available for download, an announcement with a link to the downloadable maps will run in The George and other university communications.

The following offices will be notified directly after the map has been updated: Print Services; Electronic Publications; Compliance, Diversity, and Ethics; Events Management; University Life; Facilities; University Services; Safety Office; University Police; Center for the Arts; Admissions; EagleBank Arena; and Intercollegiate Athletics.

Once the map is updated, University Information will work with Facilities to produce the outdoor walking maps for the Fairfax Campus.


All amendments and additions to this policy are to be reviewed and approved by the Office of the Vice President for Communications and Marketing and the Office of the Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance.


The policies herein are effective July 1, 2010.  This Administrative Policy shall be reviewed and revised, if necessary, annually and to become effective at the beginning of the university’s fiscal year, unless otherwise noted.


Maurice W. Scherrens
Senior Vice President

Peter N. Stearns

Date approved: June 1, 2005

Revision approved: August 24, 2010

Revised: July 30, 2021