University Policy

Use of Amplified Sound on University Property

I. Scope

This policy applies to all individuals or organizations that use or reserve space on property owned, leased or controlled by the University.

This policy governs the use of Amplified Sound on property owned, leased or controlled by Mason. It does not apply to naturally occurring sounds or to unamplified sounds such as traffic or construction noise.  This policy does not specifically address occupational noise exposure standards, administered through Environmental Health & Safety Hearing Conservation Program.

II. Policy Statement

A. The use of Amplified Sound (indoors and outdoors) requires a space reservation; except for Amplified Sound devices for personal use (e.g. Bluetooth® speaker, stereo) where not disruptive to other individuals.

B. Outdoor Amplified Sound is permitted only during the following time periods:

Sunday to Thursday:                  7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Friday to Saturday:                     7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.

C. Amplified Sound is prohibited if it interferes with University activities and operations. Sound measured at or above 85 decibels in an adjacent indoor area is presumed to interfere with University activity and operations; lower sound levels may be determined to be interfering with University activities and operations, depending on location, context, and duration.

D. Decibel levels for Amplified Sound shall not exceed 65 dB at the closest property boundary. Event coordinators are required to measure the sound level during relevant events to ensure compliance with this policy. All organization will use the guidelines set forth herein to minimize the effects of Amplified Sound on the neighboring community.

E.  Exceptions to this policy in cases of special circumstances, tradition, or benefit to the University community will be considered. Any individual, group, department, or entity planning to use Amplified Sound that has the potential to violate this policy must receive an approved exemption from University Events prior to the use of Amplified Sound. See Policy 1128 Procedures for the process of requesting and exemption.

F. Certain factors inherent to athletic competition and recreation activities (including but not limited to weather delays, injuries and situations involving overtime or extra innings) make it impossible for the athletics and recreation event organizers to fully comply with this policy. Nonetheless, those event organizers shall make every effort to schedule games, matches and other events within the time frames set forth above, and to use the guidelines set forth herein to minimize the effects of amplified sound on the neighboring community.

G. Complaints from community members regarding sound levels off-campus generated by on-campus activities, must be relayed to Government and Community Relations. Noise complaints regarding sound on campus must be made to University Police and University Events who will evaluate, in conjunction with appropriate University official, whether the Amplified Sound is in violation of this policy.

III. Definitions

Amplified sound: means any sound (i.e., voice, music, or other noise) created, enhanced, or amplified through the use of equipment, to include, but not limited to speakers, sound systems, stereos, and bullhorns.

IV. Compliance

The use of Amplified Sound that is in violation of this policy is strictly prohibited. If the university determines that the use of Amplified Sound violates Policy 1128, university administration will intervene and require the individuals or group using the Amplified Sound lower it, move to another location, or suspend use of Amplified Sound.    

Students and employees in violation of any of the above restrictions will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with applicable university policies, the Student Code of Conduct, and Human Resources employment policies. Students, employees, and members of the public in violation of any of the above and/or Commonwealth of Virginia laws may be detained by law enforcement and trespassed from university property. 

V. Dates:

 A. Effective Date:

This policy will become effective upon the date of approval by the President.

B. Date of Most Recent Review:

March 14, 2024

VII. Timetable for Review

This policy shall be reviewed by the Office of Community and Local Government Relations in consultation with University Events, every three years, or more frequently as needed.

VIII. Signatures


Gregory N. Washington


Revision Approved: 12/19/2016
Revision approved: March 27, 2024

Page last updated: March 27, 2024