University Policy

Mason Service Award Program


This policy applies to all full-time faculty and classified employees of George Mason University.


George Mason University celebrates years of service with a public ceremony (University Day ceremony) and commemorative service award.  Each year, full-time faculty and classified staff who are celebrating a 5-year milestone anniversary, of continuous state service, will be recognized at the University Day ceremony.  This award is presented only for service and does not apply to performance or tenure. 

Eligibility for the Mason service award will be based on a minimum of five years of continuous state service including previous, continuous employment at other state agencies. Employment in wage or part-time faculty positions will not be counted. State service includes all periods of approved leave with and without pay.  

Employees must pass the service milestone before receiving the recognition award for that level of service; service time is not rounded up.



Human Resources sponsors the University Day ceremony. The Human Resources department is responsible for designating an agency service awards coordinator.  The agency service awards coordinator will be responsible for identifying the awardees, providing the service certificates, ordering service awards and gifts, providing staff to assist and coordinating logistical details with University Events within the Office of University Branding.  



This policy is effective October 1, 2003. This policy shall be reviewed and revised, if necessary, annually to become effective at the beginning of the University’s fiscal year, unless other noted.


Deb Dickenson
Executive Vice President, Finance and Administration

Mark R. Ginsberg
Provost and Executive Vice President

Date approved: October 17, 2003
Revision approved: September 12, 2007
Revised: July 18, 2016
Revised: June 10, 2021
Revision approved: June 30, 2023

Page last updated: August 18, 2023