Poster Posting

I. Scope

The policy applies to Postings in any building or other property owned, leased, or controlled by George Mason University (“George Mason”).

This policy does not apply to posted materials that are required by law or official University posted materials, approved by the Office of University Branding, Risk, Safety & Resilience, Auxiliary Services and Operations, or Facilities Administration. It also does not apply to items covered by University Policy 1112.

II. Policy Statement

Postings shall be allowed on George Mason’s property in accordance with this policy, without regard to their content (except in the case of content that is unlawful or otherwise prohibited by law), subject to the time, place, and manner restrictions set forth in the Posting Procedures or any specific posting procedures for a Special Campus Area, as applicable.

III. Definitions

Posting: Sign, advertisement, picture, poster, chalk/ink/paint marking, pamphlet, label, table tent, free standing sign, decal, sticker, banner, or other material affixed to or placed on George Mason’s property. Posting also includes anything projected on or onto George Mason’s property (other than projections made during an academic class related to the class).

Special Campus Area: Any of the following areas on campus:

  • All Student Centers facilities and EagleBank Arena including surrounding patios, plazas, and grounds
  • All residence halls and grounds
  • All Intercollegiate Athletic facilities, fields, and grounds
  • All recreation facilities, fields, and grounds
  • Libraries
  • Dining facilities
  • Merten Hall Lawn
  • All Parking and Transportation facilities, pathways, and lots
  • All buildings and grounds, Mason Square (formerly Arlington Campus)
  • All buildings and grounds, Science and Technology Campus (formerly Prince William Campus)
  • All buildings and grounds, Mason Korea Campus

IV. Compliance

  1. Postings must comply with the Posting Procedures unless they are in a Special Campus Area which has established its own posting procedures (in which case the Posting must comply with those procedures) or if a waiver or exception has been granted as provided for in #5. If a Special Campus Area has not established its own posting procedures, the Posting Procedures apply to that area. Postings and compliance with this policy in non-Special Use Areas are managed by Facilities Management.
  2. Special Campus Areas may establish location-specific posting procedures containing specific time, place, and manner restrictions for Postings in the Special Campus Area. Any such Special Campus Area procedures may not include restrictions on Postings based on content (except for content that is unlawful or otherwise prohibited by law). The individual listed below, or their designee, shall be responsible for establishing any specific posting procedures and managing all Postings in those areas for compliance with the area’s location specific posting procedures.
Special Campus Area Responsible Individual
Student Centers (Johnson Center, The HUB, SUB I), EagleBank Arena and surrounding patios, plazas, and grounds Director, Student Centers
Residence halls and grounds Director, Housing & Residential Life
Intercollegiate Athletic facilities, fields, and grounds Director, Athletics
Campus Recreation facilities, fields, and grounds Director, Mason Recreation
University Libraries Dean, University Libraries
Dining Facilities Director, Auxiliary Services
Parking and Transportation facilities, pathways, and lots Director, Parking and Transportation
Mason Square Campus Director, Operations, Mason Square
Science and Technology Campus Director, Administration and Operations, Science and Technology Campus
Mason Korea Dean, Mason Korea
Merten Hall Lawn Assistant Vice President, Events and Operations

3. Violation of the Posting Procedures constitutes potential grounds for removal of the Posting, denial of approval to post by the posting organization or person for a specified period of time, loss of access to duplicating services, or other facilities use restrictions. Charges for the cost of removal of the Postings and any associated repairs can also be levied.

4. Individuals should not remove or take down Postings, unless they or a group they are associated with posted the Posting. If an Individual believes that a Posting violates the Posting Procedures, they should report the Posting to Facilities Administration Customer Service (703) 993-2525 or if in a Special Campus Area, the report should be made to the individual responsible for that Special Campus Area. University officials must consult with the Office of University Counsel before removing a Posting because its content is unlawful or otherwise prohibited by law.

5. Request for waivers or exceptions to the Posting Procedures must be made to Facilities Administration or if the Posting will occur in a Special Campus Area, the individual responsible for the Special Campus Area in which the Posting will occur. Any waiver or exception shall be decided on a case-by-case basis and without regard to the content of the speech.

6. Postings may be removed by the Facilities Administration or Special Campus Area following a routine removal schedule (see Posting Procedures). Additionally, Postings in violation of this policy or Posting Procedures (general or Special Campus Area) are subject to removal and/or disposal of at the discretion of the University or Special Use Area. Charges for the cost of removal of the postings and any associated damage/repairs can also be levied.

V. Dates

  1. Effective Date: This policy will become effective upon the date of approval by the Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration and the Provost and Executive Vice President.
  2. Date of Most Recent Review: August 23, 2024

VII. Timetable for Review

This policy, and any related procedures, shall be reviewed every three years or more frequently as needed.


Deb Dickenson
Executive Vice President, Finance and Administration

James Antony
Provost and Executive Vice President

Date approved: May 24, 2004
Revised: April 6, 2015
Revised: May 18, 2021
Revised: August 16, 2023
Revision approved: August 23, 2024

Page last updated: August 23, 2024