Space Utilization and Scheduling

I. Scope

This policy applies to any individual, group, or organization that uses or reserves space on property owned, leased or controlled by the University. This policy does not govern classroom assignments made by the Office of the University Registrar.

II. Policy Statement

A. Use of Facilities

Facilities are intended primarily for the use of University employees and students to advance the educational mission of the University. No use of Facilities shall be permitted that is (1) inconsistent with the mission of the University, (2) interferes with or disrupts the educational or operational functions of the University[1], (3) endangers health and safety or creates unsanitary conditions. All use of Facilities must comply with University policy and procedures, and applicable federal, state, and local law. The University may, in its sole discretion, cancel, deny, reschedule, or renegotiate any use of Facilities.

Facilities that are outdoor open areas of the University, and that have not already been reserved as permitted by this Policy, are generally available to employees, students, and members of the public for any lawful non-commercial use, provided that such use is does not interfere with educational and operational functions of the University, is compliant with all University policies, and does not endanger health and safety or create unsanitary conditions. Prior written approval by the University through an outdoor space reservation is required whenever:

  • Required by Policy 1128 Amplified Sound;
  • Any item or structure (e.g., tables, billboards, tents, easels, stages, equipment, chairs) is placed on University property as part of the event, any item or structure placed on University property must be removed at the conclusion of the reservation, unless an exception is provided by University Events;
  • When the Event has the potential to impede university operations, pedestrian or vehicular traffic, or block ingress or egress to Facilities; or,
  • Will utilize university resources (e.g., power, water, standing structures, environmental resources);
  • Will involve the outdoor use of heating devices, generators, or the use of portable toilets;
  • When the Event may last more than four hours.

Outdoor Events requiring a space reservation cannot occur on Facilities that are not available for reservation in the University’s centralized scheduling system or during times when a reservable Facility is closed or not available for reservation.

No tents or other structures are permitted between 12 a.m. and 6 a.m. This requirement does not apply to the University or tents erected for University use, or tents that are either 400 square feet or larger or require professional installation and removal. Such tents may not be occupied or used between 12 a.m. and 6 a.m.

Camping tents are prohibited on all Facilities. A camping tent is defined as any collapsible tent or structure, typically having as its basic components a flexible material supported by a framework, designed, intended, or used as temporary shelter while camping or on recreational outdoor outings. Camping Tents may include tents known as “pup tents,” “dome tents,” “cabin tents,” “hiker tents,” and “backpacking tents.” A Camping Tent does not include a tent with all sides entirely open and where there is an unobstructed view into such tent from the outside at all angles.

Outdoor camping is prohibited on Facilities. Camping is defined as the act of using any part of the campus for living accommodation purposes, such as establishment of temporary or permanent living quarters, sleeping outdoors overnight, making preparations for overnight sleeping (including the laying down of bedding), storing personal belongings (other than in spaces designated for doing so e.g. lockers), using any tent, shelter, or similar structure regardless of size for sleeping, sleeping in, on or under parked vehicles, or setting up temporary or permanent sleeping areas outdoors or in structures not designated for human occupancy. Camping does not include the use of University Facilities that has been wholly or partially designated as sleeping areas, a tailgating activity in conjunction with a university event, or the use of temporary hammocks used in recreation or studying activities during day-time hours (e.g., no sleeping overnight in hammock).

All Events occurring in indoor University Facilities must have a space reservation through the University’s centralized scheduling system. Events cannot occur in indoor University Facilities that are not available for reservation in the University’s centralized scheduling system (e.g., administrative offices, classrooms during class time) or during times when a reservable University Facility is closed or not available for reservation.

Commercial use of Facilities, including but not limited to the selling or advertising of goods or services, is permitted only with prior written approval of the Office of University Events. University Facilities may not be used for personal financial gain without a contract with the University.

B. Scheduling

Whenever scheduling conflicts arise, they will be resolved by University Events.

All Events requiring a space reservation must be scheduled using the University’s centralized scheduling system. All Events must be accurately and fully described when scheduled in the University’s centralized scheduling system. Failure to accurately describe an Event or to provide all required information will result in forfeiture of space reservation. Repeated failure by a University Client or an External Client to provide accurate and complete information will result in loss of scheduling privilege, and may result in disciplinary action.

All Clients must follow the procedures on scheduling and management of events published by University Events.

All Events must be classified as an Internal Event or External Event.  The Office of University Events and persons designated by that Office (“University Events”) are solely responsible for classifying Events.

Internal Events must be scheduled using a University organization code and must designate an Event Client who must be present during the event and is responsible for ensuring compliance with all University policies and procedures. The Event Client must be a University employee, student, or employee of an Affiliated Entity.

External Events may be scheduled only by University Events or another scheduler authorized by University Events to schedule External Events. No External Event may be scheduled unless the University has entered into a written contract with the External Client. As part of the written contract the External Client must designate an Event Client who must be present during the event and is responsible for ensuring compliance with all University policies and procedures.

University employees, students, student organizations, and Affiliated Entities and their employees may not (1) schedule Facilities on behalf of any External Client, including external organizations with which they may be affiliated, (2) provide Facilities to any such External Client, unless approved by University Events and (3) accept payment to reserve or provide Facilities to any External Client.

C. Special Use Facilities

All Events scheduled in Special Use Facilities are subject to the approval of the authorized scheduler for that space. The authorized scheduler of the Special Use Facilities or designee is responsible for scheduling events in that space and contracting with any External Client using a University-approved Event contract. Units/departments that have Special Use Facilities assigned to them may not charge External Clients to use Special Use Facilities unless such charges (or the ability to impose such charges) have been approved by the University.

D. Fees

Fees for use of Facilities, other than Special Use Facilities, shall be determined and assessed by University Events, as provided for in the applicable procedures. University Events may offer discounted Facilities use fees at their discretion. Facilities use fees may be increased at the sole discretion of University Events, if the client fails to provide accurate information about an Event.

III. Definitions

University Clients: Divisions of the University, including University offices, departments, units, and auxiliary enterprise operations; Recognized student organizations; and Affiliated Entities.

External Client: Any person or entity that is not a University Client.  All for-profit companies are External Clients. 

Affiliated Entity: Entity that has a written affiliation agreement with the University

Event: A meeting, conference, presentation, gathering, or other activity that occurs on Facilities. The definition of “Event” does not include gatherings taking place in common, public and/or non-reservable areas that are typical for the area, do not impact individuals other than the individuals participating in the gathering, and do not use campus resources such as production, catering, or furniture rentals (e.g. individuals having a meal, study groups). Additionally, routine department activities or meetings do not need to be scheduled (at the discretion of the space approver) if no university resources are needed and there are no external attendees; routine department activities must be scheduled in the University’s centralized scheduling system if using university resources such as production, catering, and/or has external attendees.

Event Client or Point of Contact: The primary point of contact for an Event. The Event Client must be on-site during the Event or appoint a designee to assume this role for the duration of the Event. Responsibilities include scheduling, ensuring compliance with all University policies and procedures, responding to emergencies, and communicating logistical and financial information to the Event Coordinator.

Event Coordinator:  University Events representative who is the liaison to the Event Client regarding a specific Event.

Facility or Facilities: space owned, leased, or controlled by George Mason University.

Special Use Facilities: Any Facility that has been allocated to a specific department or office by the Space Administration Committee, and is not ordinarily scheduled by the University Events Office.  Examples of Special Use Facilities include, but is not limited to, the Center for the Arts, Athletic and Recreational Spaces, Departmental space or Conference Rooms, Housing Spaces, Parking Lots, Point of View, and Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation.

Event Type:

Internal Event: An Event scheduled and organized solely by a University Client, branded solely as an Event of the University, and that is related to the educational mission of the University or University business. Participation by external persons or entities (e.g., speakers, presenters, audience members, sponsors) in an Event otherwise organized solely by a University Client does not make an event an External Event.    

External Event: Any Event that is not an Internal Event. Events scheduled and organized by an External Client or organized jointly by an Internal and External Clients are External Events. Events scheduled by University faculty, employees, students, and affiliates related to non-University activities or personal use are External Events.

High Impact Events: Events that require significant resource commitment or may disrupt normal University operations. Events that may qualify as High Impact Events will be identified by Event Coordinators and evaluated for campus-wide impact by University Events in coordination with other University offices.

University Major Events: Certain regularly scheduled Events that are critical to the University mission.

IV. Compliance

Groups and individuals participating in Events are accountable for compliance with the provisions of this policy. Individuals or groups who invite non-University participants may be held accountable for such participants’ compliance with this policy

University Events is responsible for enforcing compliance with this policy. Violations of this policy must be reported to University Events, or afterhours to University Police. Failure to comply with this policy may result in removal, loss of scheduling privileges, and/or disciplinary action.

V. Dates:

A. Effective Date:

This policy will become effective upon the date of approval by the President or the Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration and the Provost and Executive Vice President.

B. Date of Most Recent Review:

August 21, 2024

VI. Timetable for Review

This policy, and any related procedures, shall be reviewed every three years or more frequently as needed.


__/S_____________________             August 21, 2024
Gregory N. Washington                        Date

[1] Including but not limited to: blocking entrances, corridors or exits; interfering with ongoing educational activities or other programs or Events; interfering with vehicular or pedestrian traffic; unauthorized presence in or on Facilities after normal closing hours or after notice that the Facilities are being closed; or other conduct as described in the Guidance for Assessing When Behavior is Disruptive to University Operations document.

Date approved: February 24, 2003
Revision approved: September 4, 2013
Revision approved: April 27, 2015
Revision approved: December 13, 2019
Reviewed and updated procedures: June 16, 2023
Revision approved and procedure added: March 26, 2024
Revision approved: April 29, 2024, August 21, 2024

Page last updated: August 21, 2024