University Policy

Trespass Notices


This policy applies to George Mason University employees, students, contractors, and visitors at all properties owned, leased, or controlled by George Mason University.


This policy governs the issuance of Administrative Trespass Notices and Criminal Trespass Notices by George Mason University to bar individuals from entering University property. Administrative Trespass Notices and Criminal Trespass Notices must be delivered to the person who is the subject of the Notice in writing.


Administrative Trespass Notice: a document issued by the University which gives notice to a person that they are not permitted to enter or remain upon the property, lands, buildings, or premises of George Mason University specified in the Notice and that violation of the Notice may result in administrative or disciplinary action.

Criminal Trespass Notice: a document issued by the George Mason University Police Department which gives notice to a person that they are not permitted to enter or remain upon the property, lands, buildings, or premises of George Mason University specified in the Notice and that violation of the Notice may result in criminal action in addition to administrative or disciplinary action.


A. Administrative Trespass Notice

An Administrative Trespass Notice must state the area to which the Notice applies, the dates that the Notice is in effect (or that the Notice applies until further notice), how the Notice may be appealed, and a warning that violation of the Administrative Trespass Notice may result in further disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

Administrative Trespass Notices may only be issued by Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI); Human Resources and Payroll (HR); University Life; Student Conduct; Housing and Residence Life; and Safety, Emergency, & Enterprise Risk Management (SEERM). Persons issued an Administrative Trespass Notice may appeal that Notice to the appropriate administration official, listed on the Notice, whose decision shall be final.

B. Criminal Trespass Notice

A Criminal Trespass Notice must state the area to which the Notice applies, the dates that the Notice is in effect, how the Notice may be appealed, and a warning that violation of the Criminal Trespass Notice may result in criminal prosecution and disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

Criminal Trespass Notices may only be issued by Police Officers of the George Mason University Department of Police and Public Safety. They may be issued as a result of a violation of an Administrative Trespass Notice, or because of behavior that:

  • Violates criminal or civil laws;
  • Violates University policies, regulations, rules, or directives;
  • Poses a threat to the health, safety, welfare, or academic experience of members of the University community;
  • Causes significant disruption to the regular operation of University functions; or
  • Causes or threatens harm to persons or property.

The Board of Visitors has granted George Mason University Police Officers the authority to issue Criminal Trespass Notices on University property. Each Criminal Trespass Notice, no matter how initially transmitted to the subject person, shall be memorialized in writing and delivered or mailed to the subject person. If a trespassed individual refuses or is unable to sign the Notice, the issuing officer is authorized to issue the Notice without a signature from the trespassed individual.

Criminal Trespass Notices automatically expire four years after the date the Criminal Trespass Notice was issued, unless otherwise notice on the Trespass Notice.

Trespassed individuals wishing to enter University property must seek and obtain written permission from the Chief of Police. Additionally, trespassed individuals may appeal Criminal Trespass Notices in writing to the Chief of Police, and may appeal the Chief of Police’s decision in writing to whom the Chief of Police reports to in accordance with the University’s organizational chart, whose decision shall be final.


A. Effective Date

This policy will become effective upon the date of approval by the Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance and Provost and Executive Vice President.

B. Date of Most Recent Review

October 6, 2021


This policy, and any related procedures, shall be reviewed as needed.



Carol D. Kissal
Senior Vice President, Administration and Finance

Mark R. Ginsberg
Provost and Executive Vice President

Date Approved: 01/01/2014

Revision Approved: 12/19/2016

Reviewed: 01/08/2021

Revised: 10/06/2021