University Policy

Communicable Disease Outbreak

I. Scope

This policy applies to all George Mason University (“University”) students and employees, and to anyone using university facilities.

II. Policy Statement

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that George Mason University administers a coordinated effort to protect university students, employees, and members of the public from communicable diseases or public health emergencies on university campuses or at university activities.

III. Definitions

“Communicable disease” means an infectious disease that is spread from person to person through casual contact, exposure to body fluids, or respiratory droplets. Examples of communicable diseases include, but are not limited to: tuberculosis (TB), measles, German measles (rubella), hepatitis, meningitis, influenza, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), norovirus, exotic pathogens (e.g., Ebola and certain strains of influenza).

“Communicable Disease Outbreak” is any communicable disease occurrence, trend, or event that is deemed a public health emergency by Student Health Services or local, state, or federal health authorities.

IV. Responsibilities

A. Executive Director of Student Health Services or Designee: After receiving a report of a potential Communicable Disease Outbreak, the Executive Director of Student Health Services will initiate an investigation to determine the validity of the information. If the report is verified, and the Executive Director determines that the disease poses a serious threat to the health of the university community, the Executive Director will recommend to convene the Emergency Operations Group and activate the University Communicable Disease Plan.

B. Safety, Emergency, & Enterprise Risk Management (SEERM): SEERM shall participate in the development of mitigation and response strategies to communicable disease issues and coordinate university response activities in accordance with the Emergency Operations Plan and Communicable Disease Plan.

C. Individual(s) diagnosed with communicable diseases: Shall expeditiously seek medical attention if necessary, undergo testing and contact tracing. To prevent the spread of disease, the university may require students and employees who are ill or diagnosed with a communicable disease, to not attend classes, work, or attend university events. The University may allow students or employees to return upon clearance from medical professionals or public health officials.

V. Dates

A. Effective Date:

This policy was originally approved June 15, 2006. This policy shall be reviewed and revised, if necessary, annually.

B. Date of Most Recent Review:

May 19, 2020

 VI. Signatures


Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance

Provost and Executive Vice President

Date approved: June 15, 2006

Revision approved: August 2, 2016

Revised: July 16, 2019

Revision approved: May 21, 2020