University Policy

Vehicle Use

I. Scope

This policy applies to all George Mason University students, employees, volunteers, contractors and employees of contractors who operate any State-owned, leased or rented vehicle on either public or private property for University Business.

II. Policy Statement

Drivers must possess a current, valid driver’s license. Drivers must also possess and maintain an acceptable driving record, and must notify their supervisor and the Office of Risk Management if they are convicted of a traffic infraction. The Office of Risk Management reserves the right to review the driver’s licenses and Motor Vehicle Reports (MVRs) of all Drivers.

SOVs must only be used for University Business. All Drivers must comply with applicable laws and regulations concerning the operation of a motor vehicle, including those in the Vehicle Use Procedures. Drivers must sign a form acknowledging they have read and understood these Policies and Procedures. Drivers must also submit a MVR Request and Release form when required. Depending on the Driver’s classification and the type of vehicle, he or she will also be required to undergo training before he or she is authorized to operate an SOV. This training requirement is outlined in the Vehicle Use Procedures.

If the Driver of an SOV is involved in an accident or if the SOV is damaged, the Driver must comply with Policy 1404, Reporting of Crimes, Accidents, Fires and Other Emergencies.

Noncompliance with this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.

III. Definitions

Accident– means any crash involving the operation of a University vehicle (owned or rented) that results in bodily injury or property damage of any kind, regardless of extent.

Authorized Driver- A driver authorized to operate a vehicle for business on behalf of the University that has met all the requirements of the policy and section A. Driver Qualifications of the procedures.

Collision Damage Waiver – CDW is an optional service sold by a rental car company to cover in case of an accident or other event that causes damage to a rental car. 

Driver– means a student, employee, volunteer, contractor or employee of contractor, or agent of the University authorized to drive an SOV on University Business.

Motor Vehicle Report (“MVR”)– means the record of a person’s driving history obtained from the Virginia Division of Motor Vehicles or another State’s licensing authority. 

Non-Compliant – A driver that has not met or failed to stay in compliance with being an authorized driver (Training, age requirement or MVR not completed).

State-Operated Vehicles (“SOV”)– means any motor vehicle or trailer licensed for highway use, owned or leased by the University from the Commonwealth’s Department of General Services, and motor vehicles that are rented from rental car companies by Drivers travelling on University Business. 

University Business– means activities that are performed on behalf of the University or authorized by the University, or in the course and scope of employment, or in one’s role as a volunteer, student, contractor, or employee of contractor.

Valid Driver’s License– a driver’s license recognized as valid by the Commonwealth of Virginia and of the proper class for the type of vehicle to be driven.

IV. Compliance

1. All Departments that own SOVs must:

a.) Verify annually that all Drivers present a valid driver’s license.
b.) Ensure all Drivers complete and submit an MVR Request and Release Form to the Office of Risk Management.
c.) Require all Drivers read the Vehicle Use Policy and Procedures and sign the  Driver Acknowledgement Form.
d.) Ensure all Drivers meet the Driver qualifications as defined in the “Driver Qualification” (Vehicle Use Procedures section A.) before being permitted to drive an SOV.

2. The Office of Risk Management:

May deny the use of an SOV to any individual who does not meet all conditions set forth in this policy. Violations of the conditions set forth in this policy may result in the suspension of the privilege to drive SOVs.

3. Human Resources & Payroll:

Will request MVRs for Drivers as requested by the Office of Risk Management.

4. University Police Department:

Will investigate all reported on-campus accidents involving SOVs.
Will notify ORM of all accidents involving an SOV.
Will facilitate the training and familiarization course for 11-15 passenger vans.

5. Facilities Management:

Will maintain vehicles owned by the University.
Will annually inspect SOVs owned by the University.
Will manage Motor Pool vehicle requests.

V. Forms

MVR Request and Release Form (to fill out the form, download or view it with Adobe Acrobat)

Driver Acknowledgement Form

VI. Dates:

A. Effective Date:
This policy will become effective upon the date of approval by the Senior Vice President and the Provost and Executive Vice President.

B. Date of Most Recent Review:


VII. Timetable for Review

This policy, and any related procedures, shall be reviewed every two years.

VIII. Signatures


Senior Vice President for
Administration and Finance


Provost and Executive
Vice President

Reviewed: October 28, 2020
Revised: May 13, 2021
Updated MVR form: December 6, 2024

Page last updated: December 6, 2024