University Policy

Inclement Weather/Emergency Closure


This policy applies to all faculty, staff, students, volunteers, visitors, guests, tenant organizations and contractors at all George Mason University owned and leased locations. Public events, extracurricular activities, and university activities may be held if safety permits and staff are available. Decisions to close one or more campuses, open late, or close early due to emergency conditions other than weather will apply to all organizations and activities unless specifically exempted at the time the decision is made. Mason reserves the right to restrict access to facilities or prohibit activities in the interest of health and safety or property protection.


It is the policy of Mason to operate in accordance with the approved university calendar and to maintain full operations unless specifically closed by university officials. In the event of inclement weather/emergency conditions, the Governor has delegated authority to the President or their designee to close the university. Presidential designees include leadership from the Office of the Provost and the Office of the Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration.

Decisions to alter the university’s academic or operating schedule for reasons other than weather will be made in response to specific emergency conditions, local and regional traffic, and infrastructure issues. Changes will be communicated to all affected individuals as quickly as possible in accordance with established emergency notification procedures. Decisions about schedule changes or closings will be announced no later than 5:00 a.m. when possible, although midday modifications may be indicated later.

For the sake of clarity and consistency, all university campuses will follow the same operating schedule to the extent possible, however the university can operate each campus or location on a different schedule if safety permits.


Decisions to alter university operations and/or the university’s academic or operating schedule are made by the Provost and/or the Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration or the Chief of Staff in the absence of one or both, upon the recommendation of the Inclement Weather/Emergency Closure Group.

Anticipated Weather Event: When severe weather (e.g. snow, hurricane, or extreme heat) is anticipated, the decisions to delay opening or close the university must be made by 5:00 a.m. when possible, to facilitate public notification. When possible and safety permits, mid-day modifications to class schedules and university operations will be coordinated with the academic and university event schedule.

Non-Weather-Related Emergency: In a non-weather-related emergency, the decision to modify the university’s academic or operating schedule will be based upon the unique circumstances of the emergency.

Factors to Consider: Factors that will considered prior to making alterations to the university’s academic or operational schedule include but are not limited to:

  • Current weather and national/regional weather forecasts
  • Current and future road conditions surrounding Mason Campuses or locations
  • Current and future closures/suspensions of public transportation
  • Current and future status of region and university utilities (i.e., power, water, and sewage)
  • Current and future conditions of roads and walkways on campus
  • Current and future operating status of public services, public schools, peer institutions, and governmental agencies
  • Recommendations from public safety, public health, and government officials
  • Sentiments and concerns raised by university community members and the public

Students, faculty and staff should observe official announcements regarding operating schedules or conditions posted on the university homepage, Mason Alert (text or email), University Information (703-993-1000), or other university communications channels.

Students must observe modified class schedules and monitor email or the student Learning Management System for additional information or assignments from their instructors or university.

Faculty and staff are obligated to work with their supervisors prior to inclement weather to determine designated employee status, telework eligibility, and the ability to take unscheduled leave.

Tenant organizations and external clients using Mason facilities will make decisions and announcements regarding delays or cancellations due to adverse weather conditions or emergency situations in coordination with appropriate university staff member(s).


Modified Operating Schedule: One or more university activities is delayed, postponed, cancelled, or released early. Classes, in-person work schedules, outdoor activities, and/or events are delayed, released early, or cancelled.

Full Closure: All activities except Facilities Management and Residential Student Support are cancelled.

Early Closure: Any schedule that requires the university to close prior to the normal business hour of 5:00 p.m.

Delayed Opening: Any schedule that requires the university to open after the normal opening business hour of 8:30 a.m.

Designated Employees: Employees assigned to positions identified by their supervisor and/or department heads as necessary to maintenance of operations and services to the university during emergencies. Designated employees are required to show up at their workplace during authorized closures. For further explanation of Designated Employee classification, please see University Policy 1137: Designated Employees.

Non-Designated Employees: An employee who is not a designated employee.

Compensatory Leave: For the purposes of the Inclement Weather/Emergency Closure policy, compensatory leave is accrued for eligible classified employees having worked on the official university closing. Employees are limited to 96 hours of accrued compensatory leave. Per DHRM Policy 3.10 (Compensatory Leave) accrued compensatory leave expires one year from the pay period in which the hours are accrued, regardless of the 96-hour limit.

University Leave: Leave code used by non-exempt Classified employees when the university closes due to inclement weather or an emergency closing where the employee is unable to work onsite or via telework. The holiday and inclement weather guidance website provides further details on the submission and recording of university leave.

Compressed Work Schedule: An alternate work schedule completed in fever than five (5) full workdays per week. Refer to University Policy 2202: Flexible Work.


Faculty are asked to discuss the university’s Inclement Weather/Emergency Closure Policy with their classes and to make known their own expectations and plans of action and review how students will be informed of weather-related/emergency decisions; for example, via e-mail, notices on classroom doors, Mason Alert, on the Learning Management System, and University Information (703-993-1000).

In the event hazardous conditions make travel unsafe, even if classes have not been cancelled, teaching faculty will notify department chairpersons when they are unable to conduct classes. Academic departments should make every effort to inform students when an individual faculty member is unable to make it to campus because of travel conditions.

If classes are cancelled during the last week of scheduled classes, the appropriate reading days in the following week are to be used to make up those classes. For example, if one day of classes is cancelled, then the first reading day is designated as a makeup day. If two days of classes are cancelled, then the first two reading days are designated as makeup days. However, no exams may be scheduled during the makeup class sessions. Departments are charged with administering appropriate schedule changes in the event of the cancellation of classes.

Decisions regarding weekend classes will be made using the same procedures as decisions regarding weekday classes. When performing work in federal government facilities, Mason will follow all weather-related decisions made by the federal government, but when work is performed in Mason-owned facilities, all classes decisions will follow Mason’s weather-related decisions.


Compensation of classified staff and wage employees will follow DHRM Policy No. 1.25, Hours of Work and Policy No. 1.35, Emergency Closing. This administrative policy complies with, and supplements, the State’s policy. Although Policy Number 1.35 applies only to classified employees, the university extends the spirit of this policy to the entire university community.

The following describes the impact of modified operating schedules or full closure on the various employment classifications:

Unscheduled Leave: Supervisors and Human Resources may permit employees to utilize appropriate leave (e.g. annual, family/personal, recognition, etc.) during an inclement weather or an emergency event. Employees must notify their supervisors of their intent to take unscheduled leave. Non-wage employees must account for the time period that they are away from routinely scheduled work by using appropriate leave to cover their absence. Wage employees will not be compensated if they do not work.

Designated Employees: Designated employees are expected to report for work on time. Departments will inform employees in writing prior to employment or shortly thereafter, or as needed in the case of emergency conditions of their Designated employee status. Designated employees should report to work under all conditions unless conditions prohibit safe travel. Classified designated employees are granted compensatory leave for hours worked on site during authorized closing up to a maximum of their normal work shifts. Designated employees who cannot report for work may request unscheduled leave for the entire scheduled workday.

For Early Closures, eligibility for compensatory time begins at the time of the announcement and ends at 6:00 a.m. the next day when the university opens.

For Delayed Opening, eligibility for compensatory time begins at midnight and ends at the time the university opens. For Full Closure, eligibility for compensatory time begins at midnight and ends at 6 am the day when the university opens.

Non-Designated Employee: Any non-designated employees, with an approved telework agreement, must telework during the university closure and are not eligible for compensatory leave. If a non-designated employee has no telework agreement but asks to telework or is directed by agency management to telework during an authorized closing, the supervisor may allow this if the employee has the necessary tools that meet system security standards to telework. This will be considered an informal telework agreement only for the purposes of continuing business during the university closure.

Requiring a non-designated employee to work at home or at an alternate work location will not change their non-designated status to designated.

During early closings and delayed openings, employees able to telework or work remotely are expected to maintain their normal work schedules.

Non-designated classified staff or administrative/professional faculty who are not able or eligible to telework will receive up to 8 hours of university leave for each day the university is closed, provided they worked or took paid leave the day before and the day after the authorized closing.

Compressed Schedules: When the university closes for a partial or a full day(s) due to inclement weather or other emergency, those employees on compressed schedules who cannot telework will receive up to 8 hours of university leave for each day the university is closed. Those employees approved to telework should do so. The remaining hours in their alternate schedule will need to be made up by using the appropriate unscheduled leave or working additional hours during the week. Employees on compressed schedule may also go off their compressed schedule during inclement weather/emergency conditions with written supervisor approval.


  • University closings, class cancellations, late openings, or other weather-related changes in the university’s operating schedule will be announced via the university homepage (, Mason Alert (text or email)and other University Information (703) 993-1000), and other university communication channels.
  • Deans, department chairs, department heads, and supervisors will ensure that faculty, staff, and students are aware of inclement weather/emergency conditions, and how information regarding the canceling of classes and the closing of the university will be communicated.
  • Parking and Transportation will advise the shuttle operators that the shuttle system will remain open for at least one hour after the official closing of the university to ensure that faculty, staff, and students have access to their vehicles or public transportation.


Policy Administrator: Human Resources and Safety, Emergency, & Enterprise Risk Management will update this administrative policy as necessary.


Instructional faculty are expected to be present at all class meetings unless classes are cancelled. Except in exceptional circumstances, Administrative and Professional faculty, Instructional/Research faculty, and Classified employees are expected to be working onsite, be teleworking, or be on approved leave whenever the university is open. Employees, other than designated employees, who report to work or remain at work during the period the university is closed, will not be credited with compensatory leave.


This policy is effective October 4, 2002.

This administrative policy shall be reviewed and revised, if necessary, annually to become effective at the beginning of the university’s fiscal year, unless otherwise noted.


Deb Dickenson
Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration

Mark R. Ginsberg
Provost and Executive Vice President

Date approved: January 7, 2003
Date Revised: November 8, 2004
Date Revised: July 28, 2011
Date Revised: May 28, 2013
Date Revised: August 9, 2019
Date Revised: June 11, 2021
Date Revised: October 27, 2023

Page last updated: March 12, 2024